
JustPoll: Empowering your voice with quick and creative polls

JustPoll empowers you to create and manage interactive polls with ease. Take control of the entire polling process, from defining options and setting visibility to scheduling timeframes and controlling poll accessibility.

Key features:

  • Create Polls: Design visually appealing polls with complete customization. Add options, set result visibility (private/public), limit votes per IP, schedule start and end dates, allow anonymous participation, and enable multiple choice votes.
  • Polls Dashboard: Manage all your polls in one place. See published and draft polls, switch between states, and edit details anytime.
  • Manage Your Polls: Access three key options:
    • Edit Polls: Modify your polls like you created them, adjusting details and settings as needed.
    • Results: View real-time vote counts and percentages for each option.
    • Settings: Customize your poll's shareable link with a shortener-like feature (Change Slug) and delete polls when ready.
  • Seamless Authentication: Secure and streamlined sign-in via Google.

JustPoll was recently listed on Product Hunt and reached the #2 spot on the daily ranking, showcasing its growing popularity and acclaim among users. This recognition on the renowned product discovery platform underscores JustPoll's innovative features and its ability to empower users to create engaging and insightful polls with ease.